Not much to say on the house hunting front - people have told us "oh, your first house - how romantic! What fun!". No. No, no, no. It's been stressful, frustrating, and a lot of work, as we've been looking for over a year now. But, as painful of a process as it's been, at least we don't have a house to sell, or a kid's school calendar to work around. So my hat goes off to folks who have much more complex situations than us. I try and remind myself to stay positive!
On Tuesday we flew back from a brief jaunt to the LA area, for one of Jason's friend's wedding. We had a really nice trip. Highlights (in addition to the wedding) include:
1) experiencing a 4.4 magnitude earthquake! Yes, indeed! The quake lasted for about 3 seconds. At first I though it was just a really loud rumble of thunder. Then I thought perhaps someone had backed into the hotel with their car. But nope! The CA news confirmed it was an actual earthquake!
2) horseback riding over the Hollywood hills. We did a sunset ride, which included dinner at the half-way point. Despite having a sore bum and back, the trip was really fun - we saw some beautiful views and had a bunch of laughs trying to direct our horses! I don't think Jason will forget having to prod "Samson" to follow in line!
4) visiting the Getty - it's a beautiful museum, with an amazing view of the
5) spending time together. We've been so busy, and life has been so hectic, it felt great to just take a step back and relax. It was fun hanging out with DH's friends, too. We felt pretty rejuvenated coming back home!
So - speaking of my wonderful hubby, he had his sinus/throat surgery today, and all went well. He's recovering with pain meds, soft foods, and lots of R&R. Hopefully he'll be back to himself shortly!
Anyway, with all this hub-bub, I've barely had time to knit! But I'm still working on the clapotis, row by row. Hopefully now that things have calmed a bit, I'll have more time to "pick up the sticks and sting" and keep making progress!
1 comment:
In and Out is good, but my California friends tell me that a Shackburger at the Shack is even better.
Happy to hear the hubby is on the mend!
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