One of the parade marchers was NJ Governor Jon Corzine.
In this photo, he has somewhat of a defeated expression - lots of parade-watchers were boo-ing him when he walked by. (For any of you out of state residents, Corzine has a pretty low approval rating - he's cut funding for a lot of educational programs (Rutgers had many of their athletic teams cut a couple years back), raised major state highway tolls, increased taxes, etc. Apparently he has some plan to get NJ out of debt by leasing the GSP and NJTPK? How does that work???). Not to mention his car accident, where a state trooper was driving his motorcade 90 mph up the parkway.... Anyway - I felt that the booing was kinda rude - so I just hissed "wear your seat belt" under my breath when he walked by. I wonder if he participated in the Hoboken parade - they probably would have thrown a beer bottle at him (or worse) from the article I read!
Hey, BTW - did anybody see John Stewart rip Jim Kramer apart on the Daily show? That "Brawl Street" show just MADE my week! I think Stewart really captured everyone's frustration with those CNBC market-analyst clowns.
I digress. After the parade, Jason and I went to his parent's house for an Irish dinner. It was wonderful - his parent's make such good corned-beef and cabbage! The meat has practically no fat on it and just falls apart (kind of like pulled-pork) thanks to a lot of trimming and preparations they do in advance. Generally I don't even like corned-beef yet this main course was fantastic.
Holidays like St. Paddy's day are great. I think you need to get out there and enjoy them, otherwise every day just blurs together with the last. I'll leave you with an Irish toast to friendship:
"May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door".
Sounds like a great day! And yeah, what a community example, right?? Slow down and wear your dang seat belt!
I know, right?!?! And what are you doing driving at 90 mph? That accident raised a whole lot of hub-bub when it happened - people were upset that he would have used his state health care insurance to pay for the hundreds of thousands of $$ in medical fees. But Corzine is a multi-millionaire fat-cat from his days at Goldman Sachs and volunteered to pay out of pocket.
Despite all this, I thoght it was wrong to boo.
May you get to heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead
That's another good one!
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